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Jan 146 min read
Neurodiversity made simple
Search the internet for information on neurodiversity and there is an almost overwhelming amount of information. Ask someone you know to...

Dec 14, 20245 min read
Be weird. Be wrong. Be you.
Thousands of years ago, over a long (and pretty uneventful) period of time, humanity evolved from lone hunters and gatherers, to hunting...

Apr 1, 20244 min read
Couples counselling - everything you'll ever need to know
I like to think it's a long time since telling someone you were going to relationship counselling was seen as code for breaking up. The...

Dec 31, 20233 min read
New year, same you
I always find this time of year pretty strange. It's the closing of one chapter and the opening of another. All the emphasis is on the...

Jul 14, 20233 min read
Love thy boundaries
Imagine a garden fence. The fence surrounds the garden perfectly. It keeps some things in and some things out. It's strong and sturdy and...

May 20, 20235 min read
Anxiety: "fun" facts and rage bait fiction
Why is it that out of all the mental health topics, anxiety is the one I know the most about, but is also the one I understand the least?...

Jan 26, 20234 min read
Is sleep your nemesis?
Are you tossing and turning every night? Are you struggling with racing thoughts and worries in the dead of night? Are you dragging...

Oct 3, 20223 min read
Turn off the news!
The world is getting worse. It was never like this before. Everything is going downhill. It wasn't like this in my day. What has happened...

May 13, 20224 min read
Don't judge me
If there is one thing that nearly every client I've ever worked with has said to me, it's "please don't judge me." I always reply in the...

Jan 8, 20225 min read
As everyone who knows me or who has worked with me as a client will know by now, I am not the biggest fan of social media. I don’t hate...

Oct 3, 20212 min read
To those who hurt us
An open letter... First please know, you do not own us, you do not own our lives. You don’t hold sway over our thoughts and you don’t...

Jul 30, 20213 min read
Please don't leave me
There is a fear within all of us. A truly raw, palpable fear. A fear that often causes us to think and behave in ways we wouldn’t usually...

May 20, 20213 min read
Know your worth
What are you worth? When people ask this question, I often wonder…how can our worth actually be measured? In wealth, possessions,...

Mar 7, 20214 min read
Going back to normal - WTF?
This is a follow up post to one I wrote around this time last year - ‘Corona – WTF.’ I think it adequately summed up mine and a lot of...

Jan 20, 20213 min read
When your heart is broken
I will never understand how you can love someone and hate them at the same time. How the person who swore they would never hurt you,...

Nov 30, 20203 min read
Oh 2020, what have you done?
I saw something I liked the other day. Someone had written on the pavement with chalk. They wrote “I thought 2020 would be the year I got...

Oct 20, 20204 min read
Give yourself a break
We work long, hard hours. We provide for our families. We help others when they need it. We care, we share, we give whatever we can to...

Apr 12, 20203 min read
Corona - WTF?
I’m writing this on Easter Sunday. It is amazing, sunny Bank Holiday weather. I can hear music playing (yeah thanks neighbour, I needed 5...

Jan 25, 20203 min read
Let your guard down
Have you ever been hurt? Have you ever experienced the kind of emotional loss or pain that made your heart fold in on itself? Have you...

Oct 16, 20194 min read
Why I'm not thinking positively about "positive thinking."
There seems to be a trend at the moment where mental health difficulties are almost thought to be a choice. That it’s your fault for...
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